perry 8th gradeDozens of Perry Public School students participate in the Educational Talent Search TRiO program through Iowa State University each year and participants recently had the opportunity to check out Iowa colleges.

Seventh grade students recently visited Iowa State University and were invited to take part in a DNA activity sponsored by the science center.  Participants were able to help solve a crime scene investigation case where a canine culprit chewed up a work boot.  They tested DNA samples and were able to determine who ruined the shoe.  They then toured the ISU campus and learned about admissions.

Eighth grade students took a day trip to Simpson college last week to find out about the school, what majors are offered and take a tour.  High School juniors took a trip earlier this month to the AIB college in Des Moines where they were able to participate in a resume workshop and learn how to introduce themselves to college recruiters.

The TRiO Educational Talent Search program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education with the goal of increasing the likelihood that participants graduate from high school and enroll in college.  Perry is one of five school districts in central Iowa that participates in the program that serves 1,000 students annually.
perry 7th gradeperry juniors


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