Another bill that is in consideration right now is one regarding Landowner Liability. As State Representative for Iowa’s 20th district, Clel Baudler explains, this was taken to the Iowa Supreme Court, when the case of Sally vs. Stewart, claiming that landowners are responsible for  people getting injured on their property.

Representative Baudler, says this came about when some school kids were playing up in a hay loft, “a parent or guardian was up there and she fell through and broke her leg, while the kids were playing.”

Baudler explains that this should have been an open and shut case, “they basically took something that should have been an open and shut case, two page document, into a seventy-five one.”

Representative Baudler also goes onto say that it would saddening to see these educational trips go away,  “I know those trips, were so informative and fun, that it would be a real shame to see that go away.”

As with everything else right now, we will see where the State Government decides to take this decision.

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