Despite being past the holiday season, the Stuart Cottage Pantry was as busy as ever last month as volunteers helped provide food and meals to many local families.

138 families totaling 414 individuals were served in January.  108 hours of volunteer time was given by local residents to help the pantry with its efforts last month.  Director Marlis Beeler says the pantry also received 10 hours of volunteer time from local West Central Valley high schoolers in January.

The pantry is still in need of a multiple items at this time, and Beeler asks for the continued support of area residents as the pantry remains unable to get select items from the Iowa Food Bank in Des Moines.  Items presently needed include jam and jelly, peanut butter, bar, dish and laundry soap and paper products like toilet paper and Kleenex.

As always, the pantry welcomes anyone who would like to donate food or simply volunteer their time.  To get involved, contact Beeler at 515-523-1301 or Vi Jones at 515-523-1350.


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