
This week is National Severe Weather Awareness Week, and Dallas County Emergency Management Coordinator A.J. Seely says it’s a time to remind the public about the literal coming storm.

“It’s really just an opportunity for us as government officials and the public to recognize that severe weather is a real thing in Iowa. Just to recognize the types of severe weather, how to be prepared for them in advance of the storm. So typically we start to see storm season pick up (the) end of this month or end of next month, with May and June being some of the most severe storm months. So we just want anybody to take an opportunity to learn about any aspect of storms, and how to prepare themselves for them.”

Seely adds, each day of Severe Weather Awareness Week is dedicated to a specific theme. Today’s topic is severe thunderstorms and tomorrow’s is weather warnings and watches. Wednesday’s focus is tornados, and includes the annual statewide tornado drill. The theme for Thursday is family preparedness, and Friday is flash flooding. As a reminder, Raccoon Valley Radio will conduct a mock Severe Weather Action Team event during the tornado drill on Wednesday. To learn more about Severe Weather Awareness Week, click the link below to listen to the Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Seely.