
Dr. Jill Biden, the wife of former United States Vice President Joe Biden, was on the campaign trail Sunday to promote her husband’s Presidential candidacy, and her travels brought her to Perry.

The former Second Lady was the guest of the Perry Area Democrats for a meet and greet at La Poste, and many people from around the community turned up to learn more about the candidate. Dr. Biden spoke about the Vice President’s qualities and background, specifically pointing out his experience and acumen in international relations. She encouraged the attendees to take part in the upcoming Iowa Caucuses on behalf of Joe Biden, pointing out that they’re only two months away.

After her speech, Dr. Biden took time to answer a few questions from the audience and take pictures with anyone who wanted one. She also spoke to Raccoon Valley Radio about why her husband is the right choice for the Democratic nomination. “Joe is the one who has the most experience, he’s ready to take over the job day one. I think that this election is about character, and I think Joe has shown that he has the strength and the resilience and the integrity, and that he’s going to bring this nation together. And I think that’s what Americans are looking for.”

Dr. Biden also made a stop in Jefferson Sunday, spending some time at the Milwaukee Depot, and she said her reception there was positive as well. Joe Biden is one of 17 individuals still in the running for the Democratic nomination for President ahead of the 2020 Primary Election.