
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

The first action item approved was COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) business associate and service agreements with Infinisource for the Human Resources Department. Next, the Board gave a proclamation for this week as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. That was followed by approval of an affiliation agreement with surrounding communities for the Emergency Medical Services Department. At 9:30 a.m. there was a public hearing for consideration of bids for the sale of vacated Secondary Roads Department buildings. However, the hearing was continued to next week, because the bid-off for the buildings was moved to this Friday.

The Board then approved the final pay application of $30,210, as well as project acceptance and retainage payment of $5,015 to Cover’s Construction, for the DMACC classroom project at the Human Services Campus. After that, they gave consensus to seek janitorial services contracts with three different providers. Other items approved included a change order of $4,986 for the 910 Court Street building renovation project in Adel, and a Treasurer’s Office safe relocation agreement for $1,300. Both items were through Harney Commercial Services. Finally, the Supervisors gave direction to work out an agreement with Metro Waste Authority for a pilot program on recycling collection.