
Small businesses who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 and are not recipients of federal and state small business relief dollars can apply for a new grant fund.

The Iowa Small Business Relief Fund has formed in response to COVID-19, and the alliance includes The Director’s Council, Immigrant Entrepreneurs Summit, League of United Latin American Citizens – Iowa (LULAC Iowa), One Voice, Iowa State Extension, DREAM Iowa, Iowa Community Capital, Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy Center (EMBARC Iowa), Des Moines Branch of the NAACP, Latino Resources of Iowa, and Des Moines Area Community College Financial Empowerment Center. Grants range from $500 to $3,500. To be eligible, the business must have 1-7 employees prior to March 17th or classify as a sole proprietor, be based in Iowa, provide a three month Profit and Loss Statement and 2019 and 2020 quarter one revenue numbers. A link to the application can be found here.