
The Adel Family Aquatic Center is closed until further notice after broken glass was found in and around the pool.

According to Adel Parks and Recreation Supervisor Saide Mudder, they do not know where the glass originated from as they do not sell anything with glass nor do they allow glass containers in the Center. The Model Aquatic Health Code states they have to close down temporarily and follow a protocol that includes completely draining their pool. After draining the pool, it will be thoroughly cleaned and inspected to ensure that there is no more glass. After the pool is refilled and chemically balanced, staff will send a sample to the state hygienic lab to approve before reopening. 

The Adel Family Aquatic Center is asking for any information who might know how the glass got into the pool. A reopening plan is still being determined by the staff. Racoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes available.