
Updates from Transfer Station and Public and Environmental Health Director Jotham Arber were given at the recent Guthrie County Board of Supervisors meeting.

Arber told the Board that the Transfer Station’s total revenue for last fiscal year came over their budget with $627,209 which he says is good as they’ve made recent truck purchases and began transporting their own waste to the Carroll County Landfill. Arber says in July they received 728 tons of waste, which was on par with previous years as there were 718 tons in 2019 and 716 in 2018. In June they collected 698, which Arber attributed the lower amount to the fact of more businesses opening up and people leaving home amid the pandemic. In June of 2019 they collected 745 tons, and in 2018 they collected 657.

Arber informed the Board that the Department of Natural Resources will hold its first inspection of the county’s former landfill next month, to begin the process of officially closing the landfill, which hasn’t been in use for a couple decades. Arber says the landfill’s official closure would save the County $15,000 a year, and possibilities for how the land could then be used include hay production or as a wildlife preserve. He noted that cattle could not graze on it, as there is potential for methane still in the ground. Arber also updated the Board on water and other testings, mentioning that there were 12 home radon tests in July, which is higher than normal. He attributed this to those being more at home due to COVID-19.