
The third week of Iowa’s Healthiest State Month initiative encourages limiting screen time.

This week represents the “2” in the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count initiative, restricting screen time to less than two hours per day. Dallas County Public Health Public Information Officer Ann Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio that too much time looking at a computer or phone screen can lead to problems such as eye strain and poor posture. 

Cochran adds reducing the time you spend on technology not only has health benefits in itself, but also frees time to dedicate to other healthy habits, “If you decrease the amount of time spent in front of a screen, that means it’s more likely that you’ll be more active, you’ll be up and doing something. Instead of being parked in front of the tv, you might be actively playing a couple of games of basketball with a friend, or you might just be active around your house instead of just sitting. Not only is screen time – too much of it – bad for you, it’s what would do you instead?”

The 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count initiative also promotes one or more hours of physical activity daily, eating five or more fruits and vegetables a day, and having zero sugary drinks. Participants are also encouraged to share their activities on social media with #HealthyChoicesCount.