
The Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management Agency is asking residents to sign up for the Alert Iowa System. 

Coordinator Robert Kempf says the Alert Iowa System is one of the best ways  to be alerted when severe weather is in the area . Kempf explains how the Alert Iowa System works. 

“(Alert Iowa System) is specific to their 911 address. If your 911 address is not inside that polygon at 12:30 in the morning it’s not going to notify you.”

Kempf says when there is severe weather near your area the system notifies by text and email. There are multiple ways to sign up on the smart911.com app or on the Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management facebook page all the links can be below. As a reminder, Raccoon Valley Radio provides Severe Weather Action Team live coverage whenever there is severe weather in Guthrie, Dallas and Greene counties. 



