
A local state representative weighs in on the issues of “x-rated books,” inside of school libraries after their first legislative session. 

House District 20 Representative Ray Sorensen says one of the topics that was brought up in the first legislative session was claims of graphic and inappropriate books inside school libraries. Sorenson states he does not want books banned but wants parents to know what books are in their child’s school library.

I absolutely support parents and school boards if they come across a book that they don’t think is appropriate for elementary school children to have in their library, I mean, that’s that’s why we have a school board and that’s and that’s why parents are able to elect that, you know, go to the school board. I don’t think this book is appropriate. Can we have it removed from the library, at least in our elementary You know, I think those are the common sense conversations that need to be had.”

Sorensen advocates for having a system where librarians publish the titles and description of each book so parents can be aware of what’s in their school’s library. He adds parents should be forefront of what their child reads.