
A major education topic remains as the stalemate continues between the Iowa Senate and House from gaveling out for the year.

A school voucher bill was passed by the Senate earlier in the legislative session that would allow state funds to be used in private schools, through a voucher, and some of the allocated funds would also go to smaller, rural public schools. Part of the bill stipulates that up to 10,000 students, including 5,000 with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 5,000 for low-moderate income households, can use the vouchers. 

District 24 Senator Jesse Green of Boone has heard that there aren’t enough House members that are in favor of voting for the bill. He believes those who are more opposed than others  philosophically disagree with the legislation. Green continues to support school vouchers and says there’s a new aspect that Governor Kim Reynolds has been talking about, which is slightly different from what the original bill outlines.

“I’ve heard the governor publicly talk about how this is going to be a pilot program. In my mind, I’m open for any compromise. If it is a pilot program that makes people feel better about this, let’s get some data out there. Let’s see if students if they have choice will be better off, look at their academic results with such a program, and let the program prove that it works, and also let the program prove that this not going to hurt public schools. I’m open for those conversations and any bill that we can get across the finish line will be a step in the right direction.”        

Green adds both the Senate and House leadership are working on these negotiations and he doesn’t know how many House Republicans are against the governor’s proposal.