
The 2022 Iowa Legislative Session has come to a conclusion and one house representative tells Raccoon Valley Radio about some of his achievements. 

House District 20 Representative Ray Sorensen says that a bill that he led the charge on which was signed by the governor was requiring testing for radon gas inside of public schools. He says that accomplishing a wish from Gail Orcutt, who was an Iowa teacher that died from radon that induced lung cancer was fulfilling. 

“An estimated 400 Iowans die each year due to radon induced lung cancer. And this bill, I think, takes meaningful steps for those teachers and administrators and people that are in those schools day in and day out, you know, and unbeknownst to them, are breathing in, you know, a toxic gas.”

He added other bills approved by the governor that he pushed for included updating the bottle bill to get the system of returning bottles running smoother, along with supporting the Iowa renewable fuels industry bill that  gives people Iowans access to E-15 a cheaper and cleaner fuel option. The legislative session ended on May 25th.