
Some Greene County High School students got some more real world experience outside of the classroom.

Several art students were invited to the Landus Des Moines Connector in downtown Des Moines to collaborate with students from the Des Moines Public Schools Central Campus for a unique opportunity.

High School Art Teacher Sarah Stott teamed up with the graphic design instructor from the Des Moines Public Schools to create a design concept that would be under the Landus theme of “Bridging the Gap.” The design phase took three weeks to put together and checkpoints with Landus were done throughout the process. 

Then just before spring break, 25 students used colored chalk on the Landus blackboard, which would be seen by attendees who went through the Innovation Connector Event for the next few weeks. The final product highlighted new agriculture technologies and how there are urban and rural areas that relate to the farming industry. Pictures from the students’ work can be found below.