
An organization is offering a league to youth for an outdoor sport, but registration ends this month.

The Perry Parks and Recreation is taking applications for their Tee Ball and Softball League that begins in April. According to Recreation Coordinator Marco Perla, children ages 4 and 5 are eligible for tee ball, then girls ages 6-12 can register for softball. He describes that typically 120-130 girls sign up yearly for the softball league, which runs from April until June. Perla explains that the community enjoys having the leagues because he hears from parents/guardians that they love seeing their kids making friends. 

He adds that he witnesses kids grow as individuals as they figure out how to work together in these team sports. The cost to register is $40 for tee ball, with the fees for softball or one play is  $50, the second player would be  $45, and three or more is $30 each. Perla notes that two games will be played a week at all levels. Registration ends on February 20th. For more information, contact the Perry Parks and Recreation at (515)-465-5621.