For the third consecutive year, the Stuart Cottage Pantry is participating in the Feinstein Million Dollar Giveaway this month and next, and area residents are encouraged to support the cause.

The Feinstein Giveaway is now in its 17th year, and it seeks to divide $1 million among nonprofit hunger fighting agencies across the country to help them raise funds during March and April each year.

Pantry Director Marlis Beeler says the community has been “awesome” with its support the past couple of years during the challenge, and she hopes to see that continue over the next month and a half.

“We do benefit from it, and every penny counts, every nickel or dime we get is wonderful.  It doesn’t make any difference if we get only one can of beans, we would be very, very happy.”

During the Feinsten Giveaway, every cash, check or food item donation given to the pantry receives a $1 value, and the pantry’s final dollar value donation amount is then lumped into the larger pool of what is raised across the country.

Beeler says the pantry has received a “significant amount” from the Feinstein Giveaway the past two years, enough at least for the pantry to sustain its food-giving operation for many months.

If any area residents would like to take part in the giveaway challenge this year, contact Beeler at 515-523-1301.

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