Clel BaudlerBack-and-forth budget talks, continuous heated discussion about confidential settlement agreements and now a possible bill allowing for the use of a specific cannabis oil… last week’s legislative session had a little bit of everything, according to House District 20 State Representative Clel Baudler.

Baudler says he was particularly involved in talks about cannabidiol, or cannabis oil, that would be allowed as treatment for people with “intractable epilepsy.”  While the oil sounds like a form of medical marijuana, Baudler is quick to point out: it’s not.

“Basically what it is, is it’s a heavy oil that cannot be smoked.  It has 3% or less THC in it, and that is the stuff that makes you high and wacky, and it has a high percentage–sometimes 90%–of CBDs (cannabidiol) in it.  That is a compound that there is some evidence that is helps people that suffer severe epilepsy.”

Baudler says anecdotal evidence suggests the cannabidiol could reduce seizures, especially in young children, to as a little as just one or two episodes per day.

After hearing about cannabidiol back in September of last year, Baudler says he’s done much investigation into its content, and he explains where he stands on the medicinal issue if a definitive bill is drawn up in the House this session.

“I’m telling you, if it will help these children that have these massive seizures, I’ll give it a chance.  But, I will not refer to it as ‘medical marijuana’.  It just isn’t.”

To hear Baudler talk more about cannabidiol and other items from last week’s legislative session, tune-in to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County on K107 during the 9am, noon and 5pm hours.

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