With bad weather in the forecast next week AC/GC Elementary would like to remind parents and guardians of their early out and late start policy.


Remind notifications are the quickest way to get information about late starts and early outs. Anyone can sign up.


To sign up for reminders, text @gcelem13 to phone number 81010. Once you sign up it will ask for your name back, after you give them your name you will be added to the GC Elementary School Families roster.


If school is dismissed early subscribers will receive a notification on your phone. There is no set time for dismissal because of weather conditions.


The school asks you to do one of the following when you receive this notification: email your child’s teacher and let them know how your child is to get home. If your child has a cell phone at school, text them directly.  If you don’t have email access and your child doesn’t have a cell phone call the school.


If you have any questions, contact the office at 332-2720