
As we enter August, the Guthrie County Fair is now more than just a blip on the radar.

With that in mind, Iowa State Extension and Outreach reminds participants of some upcoming dates. All poultry being brought to the fair needs to have a certificate of a negative Pullorum-Typhoid test. Conversely, poultry can be tested on Monday, August 14th at 2 p.m. at Guthrie County Veterinary Services in the hoop barn. Another date to keep in mind is Tuesday, August 15th, which is the animal scratch deadline. If you don’t scratch an animal and don’t bring it to the fair, you will be charged $15.

Additionally fair t-shirts can still be purchased at the Extension office in Guthrie Center. The shirts come in grey, green, and black, and cost $7 each. All 4-H’ers are asked to wear their shirts when showing animals, working in the 4-H food stand, or serving as a host in the exhibits building. Finally, the pre-fair cleanup day is scheduled for Sunday, August 27th from 1-3 p.m., and all 4-H’ers are asked to participate.

The theme for this year’s fair is “It Brings the Kid Out in You.” It runs from August 31st through September 4th. Raccoon Valley Radio’s Big Red Radio will broadcast live each day of the fair.