Jasmine Teed

The Adel mother arrested in November after her children were found wandering naked near the intersection of highways 6 and 169 has changed her plea.

Court documents revealed Thursday showed that 19-year-old Jasmine Teed of Adel has agreed to plead guilty to lesser charges stemming from her November 2, 2017 arrest. She was originally charged with two counts of child endangerment, an aggravated misdemeanor. Under her plea agreement she’s now only charged with one. The charge stems from an incident where her 2-year-old twins were found naked and unsupervised near a busy intersection on a cold November morning. Teed was found by Adel Police Officers asleep in her nearby apartment.

Her sentencing hearing will be held on May 31st at 9 a.m. Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it’s made official.