jefferson welcomeThe Jefferson City Council is doing their part to help solve some housing issues in town.

The Council approved a letter of intent last month to Region XII Council of Governments to give them two of the City’s vacant lots to apply for a federal housing grant. The targeted area is on North Cedar Street. Region XII will have four lots to build four houses on, if they are approved for the grant. The grant helps with down payment assistance. City Administrator Mike Palmer says the floor plans include a two-vehicle garage, three-bedroom with a full basement style of houses. He points out that a family of four that makes a household income of $52,000 or less would qualify for one of the homes. He adds that the program makes buying a new home very affordable.

“The price of the house can be driven down to about $113,000 and their (Region XII) construction cost is going to be anywhere from $170,000 to $180,000. That can really help out some people to be able to afford a house of a $180,000 house and have a mortgage on it that’s about $113,000 that gets into the ballpark where people can afford these things.”

Region XII Housing Programs Coordinator Karla Janning told the Council that she is working with Tri-County Lumber to provide the construction materials to build the homes. She pointed out that they missed qualifying for the grant by one-half of a point last year. Region XII will be notified at the end of the year if they qualify for grant funding.