fall-o-ween flyer

Bring your costumed kids and well-behaved dogs to downtown Guthrie Center this Saturday as Main Street Guthrie Center and the Guthrie Center Chamber of Commerce host their second annual Fall-O-Ween Festival.

From pumpkin decorating to Halloween-themed carnival games, there’s free family fun to be had for everyone, according to Main Street Guthrie Center Executive Director Dana Buster, “We’re going to have lots of games for the kids to play, we’re going to have caramel apples and hot dogs that we’re going to do. And we’re going to also have a costume contest and we’re going to have seven categories and everyone gets a little trophy, and then the top four categories all get Chamber Bucks as a prize.”

Prizes will be awarded for the different age categories for infant through adult, along with well-behaved pet, and best superhero, princess, and clown. All Fall-O-Ween activities are free and the festival takes place from 4-6 p.m. Saturday on Fourth Street. In case of inclement weather, the event will take place in the First Christian Church Fellowship Hall.