
The City of Stuart couldn’t have asked for better weather Monday as thousands of bicyclists visited town during the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa.

Stuart hosted the support vehicles and riders as the meeting town from Atlantic to Winterset, and many out-of-town vendors as well as local organizations and businesses came out to treat visitors and show them how many “good eggs” Stuart has. Stuart RAGBRAI Committee Member Karen Varley says it was a learning process over the last several months the City has planned for the statewide bike ride to come to town, “So much work went into it and we really appreciate the cooperation from local law enforcement, both counties, the state food safety folks have been very helpful to us, and that’s what it takes is everybody working together.”

Local organizations that took part during RAGBRAI in Stuart included the Stuart Lions Club, Boy Scout Troop 167, Stuart Chamber of Commerce, and West Central Valley Booster Club. RAGBRAI also traveled through the neighboring towns of Adair, Casey, Menlo, and Dexter.