
As Panorama Elementary students were faced with an entirely new learning experience of continuing classes at home the last few months, some high school students lent a helping hand.

The high school’s national honor society chapter discussed how they could help their community while they’re social distancing at home, and decided to offer tutor services to students via Zoom. Molly Simmons, Shekynah Haworth, Abby Cobb, Lindsey VanGundy, and Luke South have helped kids and parents navigate the Google Classroom program, solve math problems, do reading activities, and more. South tutored a fifth grader for the last month of school, and he shared the feedback he’s received, “I think the teachers really like it because then they know they have someone responsible to help them out and make sure that students get their work done. And I know the kid I’m helping their parental guardians really appreciate the help so they don’t have to keep urging the kid to do the work, they have somebody else to help them out.”

South adds that it’s been awesome to see the younger students grow and succeed in learning. As South has wrapped up his senior year of high school, he looks forward to playing his final baseball season before attending West Point Military Academy.