
Following a temporary injunction by a federal judge to temporarily stop Iowa law that bans mask mandates in schools, some school districts have re-implemented mask requirements.

District 24 Senator Jesse Green says he wasn’t surprised that U.S. District Court Judge Robert Pratt issued the temporary restraining order against banning masks in schools, because Green believes Judge Pratt has a history of being an activist judge. So far, bigger cities in the metro and other locations in Iowa have implemented requiring masks, but in Green’s senate district, no school district has gone to that step.

“I’m glad that they have not implemented (masking) mandates. At the end of the day it’s between a parent and a child, what they think is best for themselves, we never banned that. That’s the beauty of our system, that’s the beauty of our government, and society, that at the end of the day the individual knows best for their situation and what they need to do.”

The Greene County School Board followed suit at their meeting this past Wednesday to not re-institute a mask mandate but to continue to monitor the entire situation and re-address the issue if the information and data dramatically changes. Superintendent Tim Christensen shares his thoughts on the Board moving forward without a mask mandate.

“I would say that did not surprise me. We had a mask mandate last year from November through the first week of April. Then the Board lifted that mandate on their own prior to the legislation at the end of May where there could be no mask mandate. Again, not surprised that that’s something they didn’t pick up and talk about very much in terms of moving forward with that.”

One change the Board did approve was reporting COVID-19 cases on a weekly basis instead of daily. Christensen continues to encourage everyone to maintain their personal space, wash hands, cover coughs and sneezes and stay home if sick.