
The month of June holds multiple health awarenesses and one of them is National Men’s Health Month. 

Throughout June an extra focus is placed on men’s health and Dallas County Health Department Public Information Officer Ann Cochran says some men may think they only need to see a doctor when they are sick but they should be seen regularly. 

“Men should see their primary physician at least every two or three years, just for a checkup and some of the very important things that younger men should have checks on include screening tests for testicular cancer which is much more prevalent among men in their 20s and 30s and also to get a reading on their PSA which is the antigen that shows whether you have the beginnings of prostate cancer.”

Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio men under 50 should be seen every two or three years and men over 50 should schedule an annual exam. Cochran says for those who live in the Perry-area they can go to the Dallas County Hospital to receive those screenings and tests.

“So, you can say, ‘I just want to come in and get the lab draw for my glucose level and my PSA,’ and they will charge you a pretty reasonable amount just for those labs to be drawn, so that’s a plus that’s available.”

Men’s Health Month runs throughout the entire month of June and is celebrated each year.