
St. Patrick’s Day takes place this Friday which means there will be more fun associated with the celebration and the Iowa State Patrol wants to make sure people plan to drive sober. \

Iowa State Patrol Sergeant Alex Dinkla says that they will be out in full force looking for people who are choosing to not only drive inappropriate speeds but also those who are impaired and not utilizing a designated driver. Dinkla notes it’s been a rough year for casualties on the Iowa roadways. 

“Any chance we can go out there and help make a difference and not have a fatality on our roadways. That’s our job to make our roads safe for people to drive on each and every day.”

According to the US Department of Transportation Safety Commission, St. Patrick’s Day is one of the deadliest times on our nation’s roads with 2020 being a notable year because there will be a total of 37 drunk-driving fatalities.