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Both the Greene County Rams and Paton-Churdan Rockets are in the Audubon Early Bird Girls Track & Field Meet today. For the Rams it’s their second outdoor meet of the season and fourth overall, while this is the season debut for the Rockets.

Coach Derek Merk’s Rams have more than 30 girls out for the sport and are able to fill most of the 19 events. So far they’ve been led by a senior class with quite a bit of experience on the track and in the field. Olivia Shannon is a returning State Meet place winner in the 200 meter dash who was in the maximum four events at the 2022 State Coed Championships. Seniors Katrina Heupel, Natalie Heupel, and Bella Schroeder ran on relays at State last season.

Coach Kory Jeschke coaches both boys and girls at P-C. His team consists of eight girls with a good balance between seniors and younger athletes. This is the highest number of girls in some time out for track & field at Paton-Churdan and the coach is hopeful to have some very competitive events.

Today’s action in Audubon starts at 4:30 p.m.