
Perry High School will be holding Prom tomorrow as the committee is working hard to bring a memorable night together.

Perry Prom Advisor Emily Leslie tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the theme for this year’s prom is Starry Night, featuring decorations of twinkling and Christmas lights on trees that will be illuminating in the gym. According to Perry Prom committee member Amy Diaz, students and parents can begin arriving at the high school at 3pm, followed by walk-in at 3:30pm. Dinner will be held at Hotel Pattee at 5pm then the dance is taking place at La Poste from 6-9pm. 

There will be activities for After Prom as well, and all the students will be able to attend prom this year thanks to a $50,000 donation from JC Penny that was given to four high schools around the country back on April 12th. Diaz praises the organization for the kind gesture.

“It just was a big blessing. It was something we definitely were needing in our community to know that we weren’t alone, and the reason we got that nomination was because Perry is such a welcoming community and people enjoy being here.”

Following the dance, the students will head back to the high school to load charter buses at 9:30pm to drive to Spare Time in West Des Moines to enjoy pizza, escape rooms, laser tag, and bowling. Diaz details that the students will then return to Perry High School at around 1:45am to engage in the after prom prizes to conclude the night.