
A US Senator was in Guthrie County Thursday.

Senator Chuck Grassley heard from residents of the County at the Panora Community Center, and answered questions over the course of the hour. Some of the topics covered included the US/Mexico border, the wars in Ukraine and Israel, the budget and several others. Once Grassley had answered the questions he could, he held a short media conference. He said it was great to be back in Iowa.

“Maybe I could say it like I hear a lot of people that have come to Iowa for the first time that lived their entire life in Washington D.C. To answer your question, what is this like? ‘This is the real America,’ quote unquote. The real America.”

Grassley then shared that he was glad to have been able to talk with the people in attendance, and hear what concerns and questions they had. He also told Raccoon Valley Radio what he would like to get done by the end of the year.

“For me personally, it would be a five year Farm Bill, and getting prescription drug prices down.”

Roughly 40 people were in attendance, and had a good, civil discussion with Grassley on the multitude of topics covered.