Those looking to get rid of items from their homes can donate them to the Goodwill trailer in Jefferson.

Items that are accepted and will be used for resale include: clean, usable clothing; shoes; housewares; small furniture; books; CDs; collectibles; usable toys; electronics in working condition and computer accessories. They will also accept: dry clothing in any condition, computers and accessories, cell phones in need of repair, used ink cartridges, metal, books, shoes, purses, belts, kitchen utensils, soft toys, paper and cardboard products for recycling.

Items that won’t be accepted include: large appliances, paint, chemicals, used oil, air conditioners, wet clothing, large furniture, televisions, tires, box springs, mattresses and encyclopedias. Items must be loaded into the trailer.

The trailer is located at the parking lot of the First United Methodist Church at 307 South Wilson Avenue. It will be there from now until Thursday, November 2nd.