StuartThe Stuart City Council met in regular session Monday.

Following a review of the proposed 2019 fiscal year budget, the Council officially set a public hearing for their March 12th meeting at 6:30pm. The Council also approved a right-of-access resolution. The easement defines the north twelve feet of Lot 15 and the north fifteen feet of Lot 14 as platted alleys in Block 18. This affects businesses along NE 2nd Street, in the original downtown district.

The Council also discussed a petition to remove a Stop sign at NE 10th Street and N Harlan Street. Residents have voiced concerns that this sign location, near the North and South Oak Cemetery, is unsafe as it is at the top of a hill. The petition suggests moving the sign to the south side of the road near the pavement. No formal action was taken on this petition.

Other discussion items on the agenda included: a presentation from Economic Development Director Kristen Renslow on Low-to-Moderate income housing, a Tax Increment Financing Proposal for a prospective business, and a proposal from Project Restore to renovate Hotel Stuart. During the meeting the Council also heard updates from: the Stuart Fire Department, West Central Valley Pastoral Association, Stuart Chamber of Commerce, and the Stuart Depot Committee.

The Council concluded the meeting with appointments to the Utility Board.