
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

During open forum, a resident presented the Council with a letter from Sean Sebourn. The Council took no action following the presentation.

Dave Sloan (middle standing) and Matt Wetrich (right standing) being sworn-in as council members

The Council approved the five-year capital improvement plan for the airport. Some of the projects include installing a jet fuel system and a new 100-by-100-foot hanger and a few others. The total cost for the projects is $1.9 million. Additionally, the Council approved the City’s health insurance plan for the 2020 calendar year with a 12-percent increase in premium costs, a letter of support for Jefferson Matters: Main Street’s grant application to Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation for 33 historical plaques to be placed on downtown buildings and providing $5,650 of hotel/motel grant funds as match for the GGCGC grant. 

Matt Gordon being sworn-in as mayor

The Council also approved purchasing one security camera and two doorbells for City Hall at a cost of $2,752 from the City’s general fund. Matt Gordon was then sworn in as mayor and Matt Wetrich and Dave Sloan were sworn in as council members. Finally, the meeting ended with a ceremony to recognize out-going Mayor Craig Berry and his accomplishments during his 12 years as mayor.