
Guthrie Center area residents are invited to get in the festive mood and put their creative minds to work for the Mary J. Barnett Memorial Library’s 20th annual Festival of Trees.

Library Director Pat Sleister says she’s already received about a dozen reservations from those wanting to put up a decorated tree or other display in the library, and she says there is still space available for others to take part in the competition with this year’s theme of “Shimmering Snowflakes.” Participants can choose whether or not to follow the theme, and Sleister would like to get call-in reservations by November 20th with the trees put up by November 28th. The public can then stop by the library and vote for their favorite tree by December 31st. Sleister reflects on how this event has evolved from two decades ago, “Before we moved in, they used to have it at the Activity Center and it would last one day. And so when we moved into the new building, which means we’re 20 years old too, we decided that this was a perfect spot for it. At night you can drive by and all the trees are lit all night and you can just look through the big windows and it’s beautiful.”

The first through third place winning displays will receive Guthrie Center Chamber Bucks prizes. For information and to reserve a spot, contact the library at 641-747-8110.